Colleen is always eager to speak with other journalists about her work and has been featured in multiple industry publications and newsletters, as well as on podcasts and radio shows including KQED’s The California Report.

Colleen also loves to speak with students and engage in thoughtful panels and webinars about journalism and disasters. If you’re interested in having her as a guest, please reach out using the contact form on this site!


Colleen has spoken about disasters, journalism, and her own reporting in numerous outlets including IJNet, KQED, NBCU, The Objective, and RJI Online. She is experienced in doing live television, radio, and streaming interviews.


Colleen is comfortable speaking with various audiences, from professionals to students in the US and abroad. She’s particularly passionate about connecting with young people interested in the disaster and journalism spaces.

Conferences & Panels

Colleen has moderated panels and presented during conferences hosted by the New York Women in Communications, the University of Colorado Boulder, and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, among others.